Gender Equality and Diversity in Science
in Kollaboration mit Dr. Alexander Britz
Besides the fact that gender equality is clearly a moral imperative, studies suggest that diverse teams create better results, making it a business necessity as well. In order to reach gender equality and diversity in science, awareness needs to be raised in both male and female scientists.
For this purpose, we offer one workshop package, comprising interactive and experienced-based training methods, that is divided into two parts: part one aimed specifically at women in science, part two will be including all genders and encouraging them to interact with each other.
Workshop #1:
Female Empowerment and Leadership
1 day, lead by J. Handschuh
This interactive workshop is aimed specifically at women in science. We want to empower them to further develop their leadership skills in the male-dominated field of science and academia. The participants will learn about the differences that arise in career paths when entering the field as a female and how to embrace them. Furthermore, they will be trained on how to take up the space they need, i.e. how to take a seat at the table in a room full of males. They will also discuss whether empowering each other has a much greater return on investment than competing with each other and how important a strong network is.
Workshop #2:
Equality and Diversity in Science
1 day, lead by J. Handschuh and A. Britz
This interactive workshop aims at including all genders and getting them to interact with each other on the topic of gender/intersectional diversity and equality. We will facilitate sensitization on both sides by switching perspectives and raising more empathy for each other. Furthermore, the participants will learn about implicit associations, their connection to stereotypes, and approaches to overcome them. We further sharpen the awareness for our identity and the roots and causes of privileges and/or discrimination. Finally, we discuss the fact that you can’t be what you can’t see, i.e. why representation of diversity is so important for the generations to come after us.

Photo: Shutterstock

Photo: Shutterstock
theoretical input
individual exercises
exercises in small groups -
erxercises in plenum
discussion in plenum
PhD candidates, Postdocs, group leaders (m, f, d)
Target Group
This workshop employs interactive, experience-based learning. using the following methods: