Presentation Skills
For an effective presentation of one's own research in a presentation, more than just great data is needed.
The audience should be picked up and carried along by the speaker. This can be achieved by making the visual presentation of the slides appealing and clear. Furthermore, the posture, voice and presence of the speaker play a significant role in the success of the presentation.

Therefore, in this workshop, you will learn:
how a presentation adapted to the audience is more successful
effective slide design
how to use your own body effectively
body language
your presence in the room
tools are presented that can be practised in exercises.
Photo: Wix

Photo: Wix
theoretical input
individual exercises
erxercises in plenum
peer-to-peer feedback
discussion in plenum
Scientists at different stages of their career (PhD candidates, postdocs).
This workshop can be adapted in depth, depending on the prior knowledge and experience of the participants.
Target Group
In principle, all my workshop formats use interactive, experience-based learning. I employ the following methods: